January 8, 2013 Update:

We are excited to announce that we now have Pegged Swirl Votive Glasses in production. They will be available in five different colors. Samples of the color swatches we are using can be viewed on our new products webpage here: Coming Soon! Our glass works factory is aiming for delivery in March. We will let you know when they are on their way to us!

Colored pegged votive glasses. You asked for them. Then you asked again. And again. And yet again. We have been trying to meet our customers' demand for pegged votive in a variety of colors. That has turned out to be quite a challenge. Peltier Glass in Illinois was the last glass works in the United States to continue producing such products. Our 406R glasses, formerly available here: 15-Hour Pegged Swirl Votive Glasses, were the last remaining pieces from Peltier. That company shut it's doors in May of 2010.

Since that time, we have been trying to produce a replica of this popular votive glass in a variety of colors. We have encountered several problems along the way. First, the mold that must be made to produce the votive glasses requires specialized machinery in order to create the swirl pattern, which, while possible, would cost far more than feasible. Abandoning that design, we then created a simpler style of votive glass. Once we a had a prototype that we liked, we asked the factory for pricing to make the votives in different colors. While we were able to get an affordable price per glass for them, we found ourselves faced with another dilemma. In order to make glass in color, the glass works must completely empty the kiln, then do a production run of colored glass, then completely empty, clean, and disinfect the kiln before it can be used again. To do all of that, the production run itself must use up the entire lot of molten glass. The minimum number of votives we would need to produce per color was in the thousands, and was therefore not financially possible.

Did we give up at that point? Certainly not! Back to the drawing board we went. After much conversation with our glass manufacturer, we found a solution. If we produce the votive holders in clear glass, they can then be finished with a variety of colors. This process is not quite as durable as making the glass with the color in it, but it is cost effective enough that it can be done. We have decided upon two designs that we wish to produce in color. The first is our Diamond Pattern Pegged Votive, and the other is our new, extra large votive design Large Clear Pegged Votive.

As soon as we have the funds to begin production, we want to make these two designs in three different colors. This is where you come in. We need to hear from our customers what colors you want to see us make. Also, if you prefer a different design be made in color, which one would it be? Please leave blog comments giving us your thoughts on this. We hope you are as excited as we are about the idea of new colored pegged votive glasses as we are!

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